Hearthstone’s next expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods, won’t release until early spring, but the collection’s creepy card art has already invaded our world.

San Francisco, New York, Tokyo—nowhere is safe. As Blizzard revealed via the Hearthstone Facebook, buildings in several major cities have already seen Old Gods makeovers as part of the expansion’s promotional campaign, each one more corrupt and tentacle-y than the last.
The overarching theme of the murals and, indeed, many cards in Whispers of the Old Gods, is the corruption of existing Hearthstone cards. This is most obvious in cards like Hogger, Doom of Elwynn and Polluted Hoarder, corrupt counterparts to Hogger and Loot Hoarder, respectively.
Entirely new cards echo the theme as well. Newcomers like Stand Against Darkness and C’Thun, both the Old God himself and his suite of support cards such as Beckoner of Evil, are bringing shadow and sorcery in spades. Even the expansion’s exclusive card back is downright macabre.
Source: Blizzard