When it comes to boasting about the Xbox One, Microsoft loves using infographics. Given the struggles they've had getting through to consumers through traditional PR, it's no wonder they are turning to silent, but impactful images. In the latest image, Microsoft urges you to "Get more with Xbox One."
The image contains just about everything great about Xbox One. It's a list so big we had to split it into three separate images just to fit it all. They promise the best games — the biggest blockbuster exclusives that have combined to win 111 awards; all Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC first; FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Legends, Battlefield 4's Second Assault expansion pack first; and, yes, Titanfall.
Then they go on to boast about their multiplayer services with over 300,000 servers and no jerks thanks to the new reputation system coupled with Smart Match. There's also tons of entertainment apps including Skype, the NFL app, Snap functionality, and instantaneous switching.
Point is, Xbox One can do a hell of a lot. They may have made some mistakes early on, but this latest infographic shows just how great Microsoft's next-gen system will be when it releases on November 22nd. Check out the full image below and head over to the official Xbox site for a more in-depth look at all of these neat features.