With Netflix broadening its reach across the globe and making the streaming service available in almost every country (China and Syria have yet to join), a well kept secret has emerged from the woodwork. Netflix is filled with countless genres of shows and films that aren't recommended to every user.
If you subscribe to Netflix, you are aware of categories like "Recommended for you" or "Werewolf horror movies" that only become available after you watch a certain number of shows that fall within the same genre or concept.
Typically, you'd be limited to what Netflix offers – but – there's a way to get access to the other micro genres. Plugging in a set of numbers at the end of the Netflix.com/browse/genre URL will take you to various micro genres, but there's an easier way. A Redditor compiled a list of known codes and what genre the codes were associated with.
Another user took the compiled information and created a website hub that linked to the genres. Check the site out here!
The only way Netflix could make this easier is by letting us see what's available in their entire database than simply what they recommend.