How Star Wars Battlefront will let you accurately live out your biggest Star Wars fantasies

DICE wants you to re-experience that childlike wonder of Star Wars

Fresh off the reveal of Star Wars Battlefront, EA/DICE and GAME have partnered to release a new series of developer diaries that shed even more light on the highly anticipated shooter.

While last week's look at the game gave us plenty to talk about, Battlefront design director Niklas Fegraeus is back to talk details.

"With our unprecedented partnership with Lucasfilm, and the extraordinary talent and technology of our team at DICE, our vision is to deliver what we consider the most authentic and realistic Star Wars universe ever created for a video game," Fegraeus says.

To that end, the first developer diary highlights the research and technology that DICE has used to develop Star Wars Battlefront.

"From the lush forests of Endor all the way down to Stormtrooper helmets and Rebel blasters, the level of detail we're able to achieve is simply stunning," Fegraeus adds.

Check out the first of four Star Wars Battlefront dev diaries and see how you'll be able to live our your own Star Wars fantasies in the upcoming game.