The third installment of the Wolverine series will be the last film that Hugh Jackman appears in the standalone series. X-Men Apocalypse is set to release prior to the third Wolverine film (2017), but Jackman hasn't been spotted on set yet – so it's unclear if he's withdrawn from the X-Men series as well as the Wolverine series.
“This will be my last one,” Jackman stated matter-of-factly on the Dr.Oz show.
Jackman's presentation of Logan/Wolverine was done very well. We have seen Jackman as Wolverine for somewhere around 17 years. It's at the point where we've gotten almost too familiar to him as the character and forgotten of the transitive nature that the film industry has. Although Jackman has been the face of Wolverine for quite a while now, it might be refreshing to see another actor's take on the character.
“It is my last time,” Jackman went on to say, “It just felt like it was the right time to do it. And let’s be honest, 17 years. I never thought in a million years it would last, so I’m so grateful to the fans for the opportunity of playing it.
“I kind of have in my head what we’re going to do in this last one. It just feels like this is the perfect way to go out.”
Last month, Jackman suggested this day would come with a photo of Wolverine's signature Adamantium claws alongside a caption that read: "WOLVERINE …ONE LAST TIME."