In a feat of strength, Hulu has procured both Seinfeld and AMC's The Walking Dead spinoff, Fear the Walking Dead. While the latter has yet to appear on AMC, it will work similarly to the way Netflix and AMC handled Better Call Saul.
From what we know, Fear the Walking Dead will shed light on the time during Rick's coma. It will reveal the days that lead us into The Walk Dead, but won't reveal the cause. The dreator of The Walking Dead series knows the story of what caused zombification, but hasn't written it down yet saying, "I know the story, but I've never bothered to write it down. Let's hope I don't die."
In other news, Hulu has payed nearly $1 million per episode of the 180 episode series known as Seinfeld. It's an amazing acquisition for Hulu – one that buys my love with their scary ability to procure great things.
“FX and AMC are the most important contributors to the new golden age of television,” said Hulu programming chief Craig Erwich, citing a previously announced deal with FX Networks. “Our competitors have some of their libraries, but we will have all of their future.” Erwich's last line is slightly ominous, like an evil villain hinting at world domination.
I've got my eye on you Hulu.