I can’t stop playing QuizUp

I like trivia. A lot. Therefore, it makes sense that I’m pretty addicted to QuizUp, a (somewhat) recently released trivia app currently available for both Android and iOS.

Despite the fact that it’s been available on Android since March, I discovered it through a friend who has farmed her way to the top of the Spongebob Squarepants leaderboards. Granted, she didn’t really need to farm that much; she’s a cartoon trivia powerhouse of a woman.

Personally, I’ve found love in the World of Warcraft and Seinfeld categories. But there’s also the It’s Always Sunny and board games categories. And Mass Effect, as well as Pokemon. Plus Back to the Future and Caddyshack.

What I’m trying to say is there are a crap-ton of categories.  Just look at this image from the QuizUp website:

I can’t stop playing QuizUp

That image has been reduced in size by half.


And then some.

There are a lot of categories to choose from and each game can be completed in just a few minutes. It’s my new favorite game to play while sitting on the toilet. Sorry for that visual, by the way.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to try to unlock new titles and play.

Don’t worry, though, I won’t be sitting on the toilet. This time.