Insomniac Games backs Amplitude HD Kickstarter, you should follow suit

For the love of all things holy, people. You really need to back the Amplitude HD Kickstarter. There are (at the time of this writing) only three days left and still some $370,000 to go.

You know who also thinks you should really back the Amplitude HD Kickstarter? Insomniac's Ted Price. He donated $7,500 to the cause and made a plea for fans to join him in helping to fund Harmonix's passion project.

Here's an excerpt from Price's statement concering the backing:

There’s only four days left, and still about 50% of the way to go. If the money isn’t raised, the game won’t happen. We are big fans of both Harmonix and Amplitude, and we want to see Amplitude HD. As such, Insomniac has backed the game at the $7,500 level. We hope if you liked Amplitude or Frequency, or just love great music games in general, you’ll consider pledging too.

Don't let Ted Price down. Don't let Harmonix down. Don't let America down. Back Amplitude HD

Pretty please.

[Insomniac Games]