It looks like the Xbox team hid messages in Project Scorpio’s E3 2017 teasers; Release date, PS4 Pro shade

Are we reading into things here...?

The Xbox team has been releasing a number of teasers for the upcoming Project Scorpio reveal, but it appears they contain more than just a tease of what we will be experiencing with the Scorpio. The teasers throw shade at Sony's PS4 Pro and might confirm the Scorpio's release date.

First noticed by Twitter user XboxInGame, you can find the hidden messages below.

Hidden in the Xbox UK teaser  (the one with the red headed girl) for Project Scorpio is "6>4,"  you can see it below on the tent in the left portion of the image. This could easily be a tease at the PlayStation 4 Pro having around four teraflops, while Project Scorpio has six teraflops. 

Six teraflops are greater than four teraflops.

6 and 4

In another teaser, the one featuring the girl with short brown hair, is another hidden message. In the very beginning, the scene with a crowd is a code: X10S101-317. The S could easily be a five as well, check out the image – the code is on the right side on the stage.


The code, X10S101-317, could easily be the Scorpio's release date. Broken up the code could read as X10S 10/13/17. 

Xbox 10 Scorpio October 13th, 2017.

Microsoft has released another teaser, but the message has yet to be seen.

Can you find anything?