Japan’s Club Nintendo Gets a Cool Golden Nunchuk

Chances are you played or are currently playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword using that snazzy golden Wii Remote with the Triforce symbol on it. There's something really awesome about that. I guess it just makes the whole experience even more grand.

The one thing that did feel a little weird, though, was holding my dirty white Nunchuk in my left hand. It just didn't mesh well with the lovely golden Wii Remote. And I'm certain I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Well, it looks like this is being remedied, at least in Japan. Club Nintendo members in the land of the rising sun will be able to snag  a sweet golden Nunchuk for 600 coins. Registering Skyward Sword by February 20 will lower the price to 400 coins.

I really, really, really hope this awesome Nunchuk comes to North America's Club Nintendo. I certainly wouldn't mind playing through Skyward Sword a second time using both a golden Wii Remote and a golden Nunchuk. Nintendo, make it happen!

Oh, and there's also a 3DS game case for 150 points, but no one cares about that.