Jason Heyward mans Sony’s PS4 Expert Advice Line for MLB 14: The Show

Have a problem with some of your favorite players' ratings in MLB 14: The Show? You're going to have to take it up with Atlanta Braves' Jason Heyward who has been brought on as a full-time operator on Sony's PS4 Expert Advice line for MLB 14: The Show.

"We know. We didn't think he'd take it either," Sony joked. "And even though he insists on wearing his jersey, he's still got advice for every videogame dilemma you might encounter on your new PS4."

Again, I'd rather them just show me gameplay of MLB 14: The Show, but at least this is better than Miguel Cabrera's spot. MLB 14: The Show is due out on April 1 for PS3 and Vita. It's coming to PS4 a month later on May 6.