Jazz Jackrabbit re-releases on GOG, headlines weekend sales: 12/2/2017

A classic game returns from Epic Games.

Earlier this week, DRM-free digital game retailer GOG.com partnered with Fortnite and Gears of War developer Epic Games to re-release a couple of the studio's classic games. Jazz Jackrabbit 1 and 2 as well as Epic Pinball are now available exclusively on GOG and headline a new slate of weekend sales.

You can grab all three of Epic's re-releases at a launch promo discount, at a combined $19.47 or you can snag the classic dino shooter, Turok and its sequel Turok 2: Seeds of Evil on sale as well in a separate promo. These promos are accompanied by a rather long list of regular weekend sales, and you can check out a breakdown below.

Shadowrun Returns 75% $3.74
Shadowrun Dragonfall – Director's Cut 80% $2.99
Shadowrun Hong Kong – Extended Edition 75% $4.99
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee 70% $1.79
Oddworld: Abe's Exodus 70% $1.79
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD 70% $2.99
Oddworld: Munch's Odyssee 70% $1.49
Oddworld: New n' Tasty 70% $5.99
Democracy 3 75% $6.24
Redshirt 75% $2.49
Gratuitous Space Battles 2 75% $2.49
Big Pharma 66% $8.49
Political Animals 66% $5.09
Broken Sword: Director's Cut 70% $1.79
Broken Sword 2: Remastered 70% $1.79
Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon 70% $1.79
Broken Sword 4: The Angel of Death 70% $1.79
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse 70% $7.49
In Cold Blood 70% $1.79
1nsane 75% $2.49
I.G.I. 2: Covert Strike 70% $2.99
Cannon Fodder 75% $1.49
Cannon Fodder 2 75% $1.49
Leisure Suit Larry 75% $2.49
Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail 75% $1.49
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude: Uncut and Uncensored 75% $1.49
Sensible World of Soccer 96/97 75% $1.49
Sensible Soccer 2006 70% $2.99
Jazz Jackrabbit Collection 10% $8.99
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection 10% $8.99
Epic Pinball: The Complete Collection 10% $5.39
Turok 75% $4.99
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil 50% $9.99

Head on over to GOG.com for a full look at the offerings.