Despite a lackluster reception upon release, it appears that a sequel to the Sony brawler mash-up is in the works. Nirolak on NeoGAF found two job listings that suggest SuperBot Entertainment is developing a sequel to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. The descriptions of the two job listings specifically mentions PlayStation All-Stars numerous times. The two job listings are:
A project such as PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, which by definition brings together elements ranging from an incredibly wide range of artistic styles, requires a strong and unifying vision to present a cohesive and polished product. […] Candidates should be well-versed in video game aesthetics, with a particular emphasis on the history of PlayStation titles and characters.
Experience Required: Must have a near encyclopedic knowledge of modern games, with emphasis on PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale released in November, and received an 8.0/10 in GameZone's review.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at