JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD coming to PSN and XBLA this fall

Capcom is bringing back JoJo's Bizarre Adventure with HD graphics and online features. The new version will hit PSN on August 21 and XBLA on August 22 and cost $19.99 and 1600 Microsoft Points, respectively.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD Ver. is based on the Japanese manga series and previously released arcade games. It focuses on the Joestar family and allows players to unleash supernatural powers known as "Stands."

The download title will retain the classic style with an option to play in Arcade SD Mode. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure originally launched on Dreamcast over eight years ago, and players will be able to compete against others online once again, choosing opponents based on location, skill, and connection speed. The matching system will look familiar to anyone who's played Super Street Fighter IV and Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

Earning battle and player points will push you farther up the global leaderboards. The HD version also introduces a multiplayer lobby feature that lets players compete with up to eight people as winners stay on and fight for the rank of champion. The video function can save replays for sharing online.

Namco Bandai recently announced JoJo's Bizzare Adventure All Star Battle exclusively for PS3.

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