‘Justice League’ lined up to compete with ‘Avengers 2’

One would assume that it would be movie suicide to try to go head-to-head with The Avengers 2. Tell that to the execs at Warner Bros., who (according to the LA Times) are being aggressive and putting their Justice League film in direct competition with The Avengers 2, which opens on May 1, 2015.

There's no director yet, and a script is still being worked on, but that hasn't stopped Warner Bros. from wanting to begin shooting next year and release it in 2015 to compete with Marvel's superhero get-together. This time frame to get the movie done likely won't allow any individual films — outside of Man of Steel, which won't be the same Superman as in the Justice League — to be made.

It's ballsy for Warner Bros. to put their film up against The Avengers 2, which already has a ton going for it. I don't think it will take away from ticket sales at all, but even if it isn't a bad movie, it might seem like one compared to the awesomeness of Iron Man and the Hulk. Also, the biggest draw is Batman, who fared best under the guidance of Christopher Nolan. With a whole new Batman being introduced, it only has the allure of a fanbase wondering how much worse the new Batman will be.

You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at LLiebl@GameZone.com