“Karma always catches up with you.” I see the pun you put in there Riot. Karma’s new kit makes her quite difficult to escape from in League of Legends if she truly goes ‘all in’ on you. Between her speed increase shield, her stunning tether, and her slowing skill shot, there is no escaping. While Karma has been at the end of many jokes in the past, her 2.0 version is quite formable as a solo lane or support.
With a health regen ability, shield, a nuke – mana is really the only thing pushing her out of lane. Build her smart, get some early mana regen items, and alter your rune page and you’re good to go. Her new kit is truly ideal of an AP dueler. A major change Karma players need to remember is that Mantra works off a cooldown now and not charges.
Karma’s old skin will be available in the store for 975 RP starting today and lasting for a fortnight. If not bought before then it goes into the Legacy Vault. Like Brigadoon, no one quite knows when it will show again.