Latest Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare sets course for the Moon, introduces Captain Reyes

They came from the Moon!

When Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was first announced, it got a lot of internet hate, but that is not stopping Activision's juggernaut franchise from making some great story trailers for their upcoming game.

The latest Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare trailer is a pretty good one and it really helps set the tone for the game. It also lets gamers get a bit better acquainted with they guy players will be controlling throughout the game, Captain Reyes.

Captain Reyes won't be starting the game as a captain, but desperate times calls for desperate measures, and after a strike by the Settlement Defence Force Reyes gets a field promotion and becomes a Kirk-like captain who goes out on dangerous missions even though be probably shouldn't.

The Settlement Defence Force is on the path of war and it's up to Reyes to protect earth while they prepare to strike back and apparently to protect earth you have to protect the moon, don't question it.

This trailer is a really good one and might even be good enough to sway over some of the 3.4 million people who clicked the dislike button on the reveal trailer, but don't take my word for it, take a look at the trailer above and decided for yourself.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is scheduled for launch on the 4th of November and comes as per usual with a bonus pre-order map.