As of today, the video contest for League of Angels has begun! This contest will go until September 14th so while you have a bit of time, don’t slack off on it. You’ve made your character, traveled around with some angels, gone on adventures, done some PvP, but have you submitted content for a video contest?
The video you need to submit must be two-minutes or less about your League of Angels summer. The videos must be in English, uploaded to YouTube, and be titled “League of Angels Summer Video Contest.” While this all seems quite vague, I think that’s the point – you know, more options.
From September 15th to October 3rd, the community will be able to vote on the videos they like the most. The best and funniest video will receive +$50 in value of diamonds (in game currency). Participants, the top 15, will also receive 100 bless stone.
The moral of this story, if you’re a League of Angels player and are looking to make some easy diamonds and bless stones – yo. Read more about the contest HERE, if you have any questions!