Things are about to get much crazier in League of Legends. A recent update to the game's Public Beta Environment (PBE) has added a brand new game mode that ups the amount of total players on Summoner's Rift from 10 to 12. Rather than the standard 5 vs 5 mode, Hexakill adds an extra champion to each team making it 6 vs 6. Goodbye Pentakills, hello Hexakills.
Unfortunately, the new game mode is only available in the PBE at this time, but perhaps Riot Games is looking to add this as an alternative mode in the regular client at a later date. Maybe as a summer bash thing?
Obviously there's a lot that goes into adding a new game mode; it's not just as simple as increasing the number of players. By adding another champion to the mix, it completely throws off the entire balance of the game as we know it. Because of this, I'd imagine Riot is taking plenty of time to work out any kinks and balance necessary.
For those of you with a PBE account, have you played Hexakill yet? What are your thoughts?