League of Legends’ champion spotlight for Kha’Zix revealed

Well if you were one of those summoners demanding a new monstrous champion for League of Legends, you got it.  Kha’Zix looks and feels like an insect predator; his appearance is that of an awesomely colored praying mantis.  This horror inciting insectoid plays a fear game with his prey by stalking in the bushes, slowing, leaping, striking hard, attacking from stealth, and doing bonus damage when his prey is isolated.  This is the stuff of nightmares.

I recall when Skarner was about to be released and Riot mentioned how they wanted to make this creature that would just pop out of the bushes and drag his prey away from his their allies.  We’ve all been victim to Skarner’s ult before but Kha’Zix gives off more of that terror feel I think they were looking for from Skarner. 

With the champion spotlight out, I assume it will only be matter of hours until Kha’Zix is live.  I don’t know his price yet but I’m going to go ahead and assume 975 RP or 6300 IP.  Watch the spotlight and prepare to freak some players out. 

Lastly, that mech skin is so perfectly fitting for the character and his abilities.  Kudos.    


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ