League of Legends: Elise, the Spider Queen, revealed along with new Shadow Isles and Halloween skins

It looks like the next champion in League of Legends will be the long-awaited Spider Queen, Elise. Riot Games today unveiled the Shadow Isles which appears to be a new version of the Harrowing. For those unfamiliar, the Harrowing is a Halloween event in League of Legends which usually brings temporary cosmetic changes to the game's items and maps. Usually, some Limited Edition skins and runes are released.

Elise, the Spider Queen, joins fellow champions Karthus, Mordekaiser, Hecarim, Yorick, and Evelynn as champions to rally to the banner of the spectral world. She is quoted as saying:

As the fog parted and I first beheld the Shadow Isles, I sensed immediately that something was amiss. From the mysteriously placid waters of the bay to the dead calm of the night air, an eerie stillness gripped the place – even the sea and sky. Even as I made ready to go ashore, the crew begged me to return at once to the mainland. 

League of Legends - Elise the Spider Queen

The Shadow Isles package will also contain new Sinister Skins: Death Blossom Elise, Headless Hecarim, Haunted Maokai, and Underworld Twisted Fate were listed.

Additionally, ward skins will soon be available in the Store for both RP and IP to add a bit of "atmospheric flair" to the battles on the Fields of Justice. Riot also says to lookout for more details regarding Harrowing-themed skins and new spooky summoner icons.

League of Legends - Sinister Skins - Shadow Isles

It's unknown at this point if the Shadow Isles will replace the traditional Harrowing-themed map for Summoner's Rift, or if this is just how Riot is referring to this year's Halloween update.