League of Legends Hecarim and Shen skins plus Varus’ splash art

Now with PAX East over, League of Legends' Hecarim and Varus are no longer the mysteries they once were.  Sure we know what they look like, have their skill sets, and even have seen them in action – that doesn’t mean they are old news though.  I assume we’ll be seeing Hecarim come out later this week.

For one thing, let’s talk skins.  The mighty centaurish champion Hecarim is showing off his two alternative skins.  The one has a “Headless Horseman” feel to it which I’m completely digging.  While on the topic of skins that are awesome, how about Shen’s new Samurai looking skin?  Sure ninjas and samurai are VERY different, but we can still enjoy our favorite tanky ninja rocking the look in a new skin.

Lastly we have the splash art for Varus.  Perhaps you’ve seen this, perhaps you haven’t.  Either way, it’s last in order and check him out.  I’m guessing theses skins (minus Varus) will be in the next update, look forward to this!
