While watching the champion spotlight for Nautilus in the MOBA League of Legends, my coworker said he looks like a combination of a BioShock Big Daddy and Spider Man. I can see where he was going with this. This tanky-jungle rocks the underwater theme (as if the name Nautilus wasn’t a dead giveaway). He’s armed with a passive that is a short stun which can be used on different champs or the same champion after a few seconds, a Blitzcrank like grab that can also be sued to pull himself to terrain, a shield that while up gives him more AD, a slowing burst ripple around him, and a seeking popup ultimate that damages all foes who is travels through. That’s a pretty fancy lineup.
Unsurprisingly, Phreak plays Nautilus as a jungle. The pull ability makes him a great chaser and ganker. Watch the champion spotlight below and get your deep sea on. I’m quite curious to see how this guy works in game.