Riot Games has posted the change-log for League of Legends patch 4.11. Though there are plenty of changes in the most recent update, the focus for this patch "is to bring some equality back to the jungle," says the developer.
"In the 2014 season, popular junglers have been heavily skewed in favor of high-pressure damage dealing champions like Lee Sin, Pantheon, Kha'Zix, Evelynn, Elise, etc, and it was these dominant picks that knocked most supportive tanky junglers right out of the park. On deeper analysis, we quickly realized the problem was less about buffing tanky junglers to keep up and more that we lacked a strong item path for utility junglers to pick up," Riot explained.
"As a result, patch 4.11 will be introducing one new and one might-as-well-be-new item in the form of Quill Coat and Spirit of the Ancient Golem, both of which should cater heavily to the tanky utility-focused junglers in the game. We also went through and brought a few champions we felt needed additional love up to speed, as well as one mini-renovation for Maokai so that he could feel better about being back in the spotlight."
With the League of Legends World Championships coming up, Riot has also begun looking at high-level competitive changes, like turret modifications and some reductions in dominant champion power. For those hoping to see changes to Lucian, they won't be in this patch. Riot says they are still thinking about "the best approach to take" with him.
So what does patch 4.11 do? Below are some of the highlights of the full patch notes.
Bounty Rewards
EARLY KILL LIMITS Early kills now reward 60% ⇒ 75% of normal value (scaling up to 100% at 4 minutes)
FIRST BLOOD BONUS First Blood bonuses are unaffected by early kill reward limitations, so First Blood in the first 2 minutes of the game will now give +280 gold ⇒ +325 gold
KILL STREAK BOUNTY Personal bounty increases by 20% ⇒ 16.5% per kill.
KILL STREAK BOUNTY CAP Players will cap in value at 500 gold after 4 kills ⇒ 5 kills
PENETRATING BULLETS Turrets now gain +25% ⇒ 37.5% damage per hit
WARMING UP Turrets now finish 'warming up' after 3 hits ⇒ 2 hits (maximum +75% bonus damage remains unchanged)
TURRET APM Turrets select targets slightly faster
EXPERIENCE RANGE Lane minions now grant experience at 1250 ⇒ 1400 range
Jungle Items
Hunter's Machete
PRICE 300 gold ⇒ 325 gold
NEW DAMAGE REDUCTION +5 Damage Reduction vs. Monsters
NEW BONUS DAMAGE +10 Attack Damage vs. Monsters
REMOVED MAIMLESS No longer has the UNIQUE Passive: Maim
REMOVED BUTCHERLESS No longer has the UNIQUE Passive: Butcher
NEW Quill Coat
RECIPE Hunter's Machete + Cloth Armor + 75 gold
TOTAL COST 700 gold
PASSIVE Sapping Barbs: Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum health over 3 seconds (up to 150). Wearer gains +40 health regeneration per 5 seconds and +30 mana regeneration per 5 seconds when in combat with monsters.
ACTIVE Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)
Spirit of the Ancient Golem
NEW RECIPE Quill Coat + Kindle Gem + 450 gold
TOTAL COST 2000 gold (unchanged)
HEALTH +350 ⇒ +200
COOLDOWN REDUCTION +10% (unchanged)
NEW ARMOR +0 ⇒ +20
NEW BONUS HEALTH +25% Bonus Health
NEW PASSIVESapping Barbs: Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 195). Wearer gains +60 health regeneration per 5 seconds and +45 mana regeneration per 5 seconds when in combat with monsters.
NEW ACTIVE Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)
REMOVED TENACITYLESS No longer has the UNIQUE Passive: Tenacity
REMOVED BUTCHERLESS No longer has the UNIQUE Passive: Butcher
Spirit Stone
COMBINE COST 40 gold ⇒ 15 gold (total cost remains the same)
Madred's Razors
TOTAL COST 750 gold ⇒ 775 gold
Wriggle's Lantern
COMBINE COST 240 gold ⇒ 215 gold (total cost remains the same)
You can find the full patch notes, including all of the champion tweaks and changes, over on the League of Legends website.