League of Legends newest champion, Braum, has arrived. With the release of patch 4.7, you can now support your friends with the very sexy, very bald, and very mustached" Heart of the Freljord." While you can find all of Braum's abilities here (and gameplay here), the 4.7 patch notes can be viewed in full below.
Riot notes that they've focused on "a few high priority targets that are having a heavy impact on the health of the game" (aka high-damage junglers). The problem is these junglers are entering the mid-game with more gold and experience than even solo laners, so that's no good. While they are still looking at different possibilities, the update reduces some of the power of Feral Flare.
While Feral Flare does deliver on its core goal of supporting carry junglers, it's also doing it at the expense of potentially several other players on the map. Because Feral Flare's power is essentially tied to how long junglers can ignore their team, the optimal strategy has been to hide away for as long as possible before making a first appearance as the strongest champion on the map – even in comparison to solo laners who have to scrap out their gold against equally matched opponents (we mentioned this in the foreword, but it's worth repeating here). Long-term, we still like the concept of 'carry' style junglers, but we're currently exploring ways to support them in a way that's healthy for the game.
Feral Flare Line
Madred's Razors
Wriggle's Lantern
Feral Flare
"When we added more utility to Heal, our focus was to create a spell that added depth to the summoner spell pool while also giving heal-focused supports an ability that let them remain effective against Ignite. On live, however, this wasn't the case as it was primarily being picked up by solo laners to circumvent burst-heavy aggressive play (particularly for champions whose abilities were affected by Grievous Wounds)."
And of course, patch 4.7 includes a number of champion tweaks. Kassadin and Gragas have received a few rework follow-ups, while Jarvan IV and Malphite have received some top lane buffs.
Q – Barrel Roll
W – Drunken Rage
R – Explosive Cask
Q – Null Sphere
Jarvan IV
Passive – Martial Cadence
W – Golden Aegis
Q – Taste Their Fear / Evolved Enlarged Claws
R – Void Assault / Evolved Active Camouflage
Passive – Granite Shield
W – Brutal Strikes
Summoner's Rift
These are just the major changes in patch 4.7. For the full patch notes, including the reasoning behind each champion change, check out the League of Legends website.