League of Legends’ Thresh champion spotlight is out

After playing Thresh on the League of Legends test server I was uncertain about this character. While I see his high potential and skill cap, what makes him truly good is his team work capabilities. So if you’re on Skype with a bunch of your friends while playing, he’ll be solid with verbal communication. With how my last few ranked matches have gone, communication isn’t always the case in solo/duo. I’m predicting seeing a lot of him his first few days, then a bunch of people dropping off with him, and when the dust settles the ones you will continue to see will be really f@#$ing good. I like that.

Personally, I can’t wait to see a pro play him in the Championship Series. There is so much potential for plays with coordinated teamwork. A good Thresh should be able to save, protect, lock down foes, and even aid in initiating. He’ll be interesting for sure. Watch his champion spotlight below:
