Over the weekend, footage from the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens leaked, giving fans a shaky-cam view from behind-the-scenes of the highly anticipated film.
The footage seems to be related to the scenes we've already seen in promotional material and the latest trailer — the one where Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Finn (John Boyeta) are being chased by Stormtroopers presumably on the desert planet of Jakku (above). We've seem multiple shots of the two running from explosions, and this leaked footage is just more of that — but if you listen closely you can actually hear them speaking their lines. It's muddled but fans have made out two specific lines:
Rey: "Let go of me!"
Finn: "We gotta move!"
The big takeaway, for most it seems, is that both actors are believed to be using their native accents for their characters.
If you don't mind extremely shaky cam and muddled sound, feel free to check out the video below. There's no real spoilers in the video — or at least nothing we didn't already know — so you're safe.
***Editor's Note: Video Removed upon request***
It's not much, but for fans starved for a new trailer this is all we've got. Well, this and an incredibly vague teaser posted last week featuring Finn powering up a blue lightsaber in anticipation of a duel with villain Kylo Ren.
As most of you are probably aware, this Friday, September 4th, is "Force Friday," the day where Disney and Lucasfilm will unveil their new line of toys associated with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. While the next trailer isn't expected to drop until Fall, it's possible we could get something juicy on Friday.