Leaked Star Wars: The Force Awakens LEGO boxes reveal new character

Mysterious Tasu Leech revealed with Millennium Falcon LEGO set

Despite director JJ Abrams' best attempts at keeping Star Wars: The Force Awakens a secret, leaks are inevitable. The latest comes from a leaked LEGO box for the Millennium Falcon, revealing a brand enw character — Tasu Leech.

The mysterious new character was shown alongside mini-figures of Han Solo, Chewbacca, Finn, and Rey, but his proximity to a Kanjiklub Gang Member figure suggests that he could be the leader of the group. If so, Leech might be a villain of sorts, potentially causing some trobule for Han and company. 

As for this unknown character, Entertainment Weekly belives that The Raid and The Raid 2 actor/martial artist Yayan Ruhian will bring Tasu Leech to life on screen.

Check out the series of leaked LEGO box images in the gallery below, which includes shots of Poe's X-Wing Fighter and the Millennium Falcon sets. 

Editor's Note: Due to DMCA Copyright notice, we had to take down the leaked images revealing the character.