We're only just a month and some change away from the release of the Xbox One, and that means more details on all aspects of the console. After all, you don't want to be figuring this stuff out on your own when you pop open that box for the first time.
Here is Major Nelson walking us through the new Friend List on the Xbox One, which now features a some sweet new options, especially for those that have a lot of friends to begin with.
First off is the Favorites menu. Here you can filter the friends you play with regularly, so you don't have to sift through your entire friend list to see what they're playing. Remember, you can now have up to a 1000 friends, so a Favorites tab is certainly appreciated.
Secondly, users now have the ability to follow others, without actually friending them. This will be especially handy for following pro gamers or celebrities. Whenever someone follows you, you'll get a notification, so at least you know you're being followed. However, if you want to disable this option, you can do so in the Privacy settings.