Lichdom: Battlemage announced for PS4 and Xbox One

First person shooter uses only magic, no weapons

Maximum Games today announced a global release date for the first-person spell-casting video game, Lichdom: Battlemage. The game will be heading to both Xbox One and PS4 on March 22nd, 2016.

Playing like a first-person shooter,  Lichdom: Battlemage is unique in that there are no guns, no knives, and no swords – just raw magic – making the game the first of its kind to employ magic as the exclusive form of weaponry. Christina Seelye, the CEO of Maximum Games, commented on the announcement for consoles by saying

"The game is classic in its storytelling, yet completely unique in its gameplay. Like most magic games, there are definite RPG elements, but the game is pure action – through and through."

Lichdom: Battlemage uses a variety of eight separate magic sigils; fire, ice, lightning, kinesis, corruption, necromancy, delirium and phase. Each one of these uses magic of its given variety, but you can combine it with other sigils for a combination of over 1,000 in game spells. Like most FPS games, there is constant action yet Lichdom: Battlemage uses only magic and no traditional weapons whatsoever in the game. 

We play a character called "Dragon" after becoming the most powerful battlemage on earth at the hands of a wizard. Afterwards, our journey to stop the evil Shax after killing our loved one begins.  The in game crafting menu for magic spells, which you can see here, also offers a wide variety of spell casting elements you can apply to your magic.

What are your thoughts on this so far? From what we played on Steam the battle system and action is extremely fluid and requires a lot of strategic planning depending on your loadout.