The notorious DDoS group Lizard Squad targeted Xbox LIVE last night, bringing down the Xbox online service for a lot of users on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Bungie even acknowledged the problems Destiny players were experiencing on Xbox One and Xbox 360.
This comes after a relatively long-ish silent period from the group after a lot of activity DDoSing PlayStation Network,, League of Legends, Call of Duty and Destiny. So after tweeting "Xbox Live #offline" last night when the service went down, they followed that up with promises that more with happen on Christmas.
That's a small dose of what's to come on Christmas. #LizardSquad
— Lizard Squad (@LizardPatrol) December 2, 2014
So Lizard Squad plans to bring down gaming services and networks on Christmas and ruin the day for many gamers… sound like they're the Grinch. Seeing as how even the Grinch saw the error of his ways and his heart grew three sizes that day, maybe Lizard Squad will decide NOT to do something.