Steam, the superstore for digital games, has always dominated sales for PC games. They’ve even moved into streaming certain movies/videos and non-gaming programs. They’ve even had a Steam app for mobile devices, which was good for looking at deals and not much else until today.
Steam has released a major update to their app for IOS and Android with countless new functions. Many people trade and sell Steam trading cards for money that can, in turn, be used towards Steam purchases, or gathering other cards to complete a set. This used to be a Desktop Only feature. The new app allows for selling and trading of Steam Market items.
A new feature for Steam Guard is also included in the app. Users can set up an authenticator that is needed for every Steam login, make it safer for logging into public computers. It generates a new code for every login and it changes every 30 seconds, making it impossible to guess.
The new app also boasts new chat features. Users can now chat using the mobile app, keeping in contact with friends on the go that may only be available through Steam. Previously, the Steam catalog was hard/near impossible to access but is now streamlined much like the desktop version, making purchases possible and sale hunting much easier.
The last and possibly most exciting feature of the new Steam Mobile app is the added ability to remotely download. See a sale while at work? If your computer at home is on, simply buy the game then tell it to remotely download, making the game available to play as soon as you get home. This, mixed with the Steam controller and Steam Link, makes PC gaming that much more convenient. Get the app here now!