Mario-themed platformer creator renamed to Super Mario Maker

Pre-orders sure to soar following its recent showing

To think that Super Mario Bros. can still incite lively fanfare as though it were releasing for the first time today.

As a special surprise, Nintendo arranged for Mario Maker to take the stage for the final challenge in the Nintendo World Championships 2015, demonstrating four devious courses created by the internal team at Nintendo Treehouse. But this was not before revealing that Mario Maker will henceforth be called Super Mario Maker — a.k.a. what it should've been named from the start. Adopting this new name for the final version is more synchronous with the mainline titles and removes any potential confusion over this being a character creation experience.

Super Mario Maker is due later this September, as is all the insanity that is sure to follow from the community's wacky, harebrained course designs.