Not having a traditional single-player mode has made marketing Titanfall “really tough” for Respawn Entertainment, this according to producer Drew McCoy.
McCoy described on NeoGAF how the studio has marketed the game differently from traditional first-person shooters, giving insight to how they piece together the moments that make up the trailers and commercial spots.
"It's actually been really tough trying to accurately market Titanfall," he wrote. "If you look at what we've done, its a lot different than what most FPS games do. Without a bunch of highly scripted SP moments to recam from different angles, the usual 'movie like' trailer is just about right out.
"Instead, we've decided to show unedited gameplay segments that last 3-5 minutes (so far – more footage coming, of course!) to show the 'flow' of the game. Starting as a Pilot, taking on AI and other player Pilots, wall running around a Titan, earning your Titan, climbing in, battling other Titans while stomping on humans, ejecting, etc. There's a huge amount of gameplay mechanics available at any one time, and encompassing them in a few minutes is actually quite hard to do.
"Its also why we took an extremely early pre-alpha build of the game to events like Gamescom, PAX, etc. to let normal dudes hands-on time with the game. There's no amount of polished marketing that can replace playing the actual game."
Titanfall is expected to ship on March 11 for Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.
Source: [NeoGAF]