Master Skins teased for Heroes of the Storm

Blizzard has given Heroes of the Storm players a taste of new Master Skins coming to MOBA. A new video shows off a series of hero skins that represent "a further exciting evolution of each hero's base skins," the developer says. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait a few weeks before we learn more details about how to obtain them.

In the meantime, the video below shows off the Master Skins fro characters from the Warcraft universe: Arthas, Falsta, Li Li, and Stitches. Fret not though because Master Skins will also make their way to other characters from Blizzard's library including Abathur, Kerrigan, Tassadar, Zagara, Diablo, Sonya, Valla and more.

You can follow Senior News Editor Matt Liebl on Twitter @Matt_GZ. He likes games, sports, musicals, and his adorable dog, Wrigely. And his wife.