Microsoft believes the Xbox One has ‘a lot more going on’ than PS4

They do paint a pretty picture of the future...

Kudo Tsunoda is responsible for driving the creative direction  and development of HoloLens and a number of Microsoft Studios, his focus is bringing a "diverse game portfolio across Xbox and Windows 10 devices." That being said, it's no surprise that he considers the Xbox One to be exploring untried territory.

Speaking with GameIndustry International, Tsunoda revealed that his sights are set on the future and that the Xbox One offers a unique experience with PC cross-play and did something that no other console could do (hint: PlayStation 4).

"For a long time we've had PC gamers and console gamers who weren't really able to play together," Tsunoda says. "That's why Cross-Play is still such a powerful idea. You should be able to play what you love, and play together, regardless of what device you're playing on. It's about connecting people.

"It's a really unique value that only we can offer. You still need very gamer-focused values, but there's lots of things you can do with our technology. We've really got a lot more going on [than our competitors]. We're doing things that can't be done on any other console."

Tsunoda might be looking into the future when he makes these statements, Microsoft is bringing tons of PC games to the Xbox One and vice versa. The PlayStation 4 currently has cross-play between the PC and PS4 with Final Fantasy 14 and Rocket League, but no announced plans to further support the feature with more games. Sony may have a limited library of games that utilize the feature, but that doesn't make it a feature entirely unique to the Xbox One.

Microsoft is looking to make a push that allows their community to play games "wherever they want, on whatever device they choose, and making that easy." To say "whatever device" paints a broad picture and is more than likely limited to Windows devices — again something that Sony isn't unfamiliar with, considering they have games that are available across their platforms through cross-buy on PS3, PS4 and Vita. 

Tsunoda's vision of a unique future for the Xbox One falls in line with Phil Spencer's comments on disregarding PS4 sales and focusing on giving Xbox One players an experiencing worth having and being loyal to. Microsoft is placing their bets on the future, if they succeed they could secure the Sony dominated market.