Microsoft’s Phil Spencer ‘feels good’ about Games with Gold in 2014

If there's one complaint to have with Microsoft's Games with Gold program, it's been the selection of free games offered to Xbox LIVE Gold members. While the two free games offered each month haven't been bad titles per se, they aren't exactly the most relevant either. 

Since the program first started in summer 2013, a few games given away for free on the Xbox 360 include Crackdown, Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, Shadowrun, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013, Defense Grid: The Awakening, Fable 3 and Assassin's Creed 2. Again, not terrible games, but they are pretty old. Microsoft originally justified that Games with Gold is more about rediscovering old classics than experiencing new blockbusters.

To Microsoft's credit, January's offerings were a step in the right direction with Sleeping Dogs and Lara Croft and the Guardian of the Light both offered this month. But looking ahead what can Xbox 360 (and Xbox One) owners expect? Microsoft Studios head Phil Spencer didn't exactly spill the beans, but he did say he "feel[s] good about [the] first half of '14."

Microsoft has yet to announce the February Games with Gold, but hopefully it improves upon January's offerings.