Just because Minecraft released for the Xbox 360 yesterday, doesn't mean Mojang has forgotten about the PC version.
Keeping up with their schedule, Minecraft Snapshot 12w19a has been released.
Continuing their work to separate the client from the server, the devs noted the patch fixes a "bunch of stuff" related to that transition in addition to some added items. Below are three noted additions to Minecraft on PC for today's snapshot:
- Added cocoa plants to jungles
- Added a “large biomes” world type
- Added specific names for the different sandstone and smooth stone blocks
You can download the snapshot here:
As a reminder, the client now comes with both the client-side and the server-side JAR files. The file called “minecraft.jar” should be in your “.minecraft/bin” folder as usual, and the “minecraft_server.jar” file should be in a folder called “.minecraft/server”.