Modern Warfare 3 Patch 1.08 now available on Xbox 360


Robert Bowling confirmed the MW3 patch today contains:

  • improved lag comp
  • theater fixes
  • nerf to Striker
  • buffs to all other shotguns
  • YouTube uploads are now faster

Bowling also said the patch should be coming out shortly for PS3 and PC.  "The PS3 version of the patch had PS3 exclusive updates that delayed it slightly".

Original Story:

The long awaited patch 1.08 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is now live on Xbox 360 and available for download.

When you log on to the multiplayer portion of Modern Warfare 3, the 5MB download should begin.  Infinity Ward hasn't yet released the patch notes for Title Update #8, but MP1st has thankfully put together a tentative list of the changes in patch 1.08.

  • Extended mags glitch on some shotguns has been ironed out.
  • Fix for out of memory 7 error.
  • Enemy Stealth Bomber color blind mode glitch removed.
  • Possible improvements to lag compensation.

The 1.08 update release coincided with the first Modern Warfare 3 DLC which featured the Piazza and Liberation maps.