Mortal Kombat X’s new trailer asks “Who’s Next?”

There may be blood

Leave it to Mortal Kombat to keep to their brutally violent roots. While other franchises become calmer and more politically correct, Mortal Kombat is disemboweling women. Say what you will, but I have to commend the series for doing, really, whatever the hell it wants to. It has its audience, it has its fan base, keep it coming!

In this new trailer for Mortal Kombat X, “Who’s Next,” we get to see game footage as well as cut scenes. Oh, and what we see if pretty damn gory. I’m talking fans slitting head, faces being put in saws (hats), and swords entering mouths… you know, Mortal Kombat stuffs. The graphics add a whole new level of gruesome.

You can’t spell Gore without Goro (or something like that). Looks like everyone’s favorite Shokan is back and playable if Mortal Kombat X is preordered. You’ll be spitting hot fire and landing on your foes in no time. Enjoy the brutality of the trailer above, hide the kids.