Mutant Mudds Deluxe will blast slimy aliens on Wii U in Q1 2013

Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham previously revealed that Mutant Mudds was planned for release on the Wii U eShop. Back when the announcement was first made in September, however, that's all we knew about this venture. Now, though, Watsham has unleashed a couple of sweet details regarding the freshly titled Mutant Mudds Deluxe.

According to the developer, the game is due out sometime in Q1 2013. That means fans of the original and newcomers alike can look forward to the stellar action-platformer on Nintendo's newest console in the near future.

In addition to the launch window info, Watsham stated that Deluxe will include brand new exclusive content. The recent PC release of Mutant Mudds featured rewardingly challenging Grannie levels that were later transferred over to the 3DS version. The fact that the Wii U version is getting even more new content is definitely exciting.

If you own a Wii U and have yet to play Mutant Mudds, keep an eye on the upcoming Deluxe version. Likewise, if you've already played the game, you may just want to check out that extra content. I know I certainly do.


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