Mysterious “1000” Game from RedLynx Officially Unveiled

RedLynx has officially announced its latest project: an iOS game called 1000 Heroz (heroes). The development team behind Trials HD has once again opted for a physics-based approach for their quirky platformer, though this one’s not as significant as the momentum-heavy Trials.

Described as a “unique mixture of platforming and racing,” RedLynx plans to stick with its initial marketing promise. New characters, new stories, over 1,000 relics, 1,000 levels–you name it. There will be something new every day for nearly three years.

“We’ve designed 1000 Heroz to last for a thousand days, so whether you play every day or play only occasionally, there’s always something new for you,” said Creative Director Antti Ilvessuo. “It’s a new idea, where you can get your daily dose of Heroz right from the start.”

One of the game’s biggest appeals is that every level will have its own leaderboards, offering you several opportunities to pump up your score. Not only can you compete with friends through normal leaderboards and custom leagues, but imagine being the fastest person across every level on release day. That’s some pretty serious brownie points … and I may have just fostered an action in gamers everywhere. If you find yourself staying awake until midnight every night (for 1,000 nights), eyeballing the leaderboards and praying nobody takes your crown, I’m sorry.

After seeing the original trailer, I was surprised at the nature of the game. It’s not a medieval style platformer like many might have assumed. Check out a new official gameplay trailer here. 1000 Heroz is scheduled for release in April, with the iPhone version costing 99 cents and the iPad version costing $1.99.