National Crime Agency thinks cheating and modding games could lead nefarious hacking

I can only assume this is what most people assume a hacker looks like.

Online gaming can bring strangers from across the world closer together or it can be the breeding ground for toxicity. The National Crime Agency (NCA),  a national law enforcement and police agency in the United Kingdom, is not unfamiliar with the ways of the internet.

Back in 2015, the NCA arrested six teenagers in association with the hacker group Lizard Squad, the group that is responsible for taking down both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live during the holidays in 2014 (and again in 2015). 

According to the NCA, younger internet users that cheat or mod games are more likely to become nefarious hackers. In order to combat this, the NCA has begun attending gaming conventions, like EGX, and setting up booths to get kids into careers promoting their internet sleuthing and computer abilities.

“We have undertaken analysis on pathways into cyber crime offending and can conclude that some young people who have an interest in online games may begin to participate in gaming cheat websites and ‘modding',” Richard Jones, head of the NCA's National Cyber Crime Unit’s 'Prevent' team, told Motherboard

“This has the potential to progress to criminal hacking forums and use of low level cybercrime services like DDOS for hire. We are therefore at the event to speak to young people who may be vulnerable to becoming involved in cybercrime and promote lawful career pathways.”

So what can the NCA do? Attend events and educate the youth.

“The games industry can help us reach young people and educate them on lawful use of cyber skills,” said Jones. “The conversations we have been having with younger attendees have been about promoting career pathways into gaming, cyber security, or law enforcement, where they can use their cyber skills positively to have interesting and prosperous careers. Where needed, we have also explained that certain online activity is illegal and there are consequences for victims,” Jones continued.

Whether or not cheating in a game will lead to worse habits is beyond me, but I am sure that knowing consequences and career options that utilize talents isn't bad.