New 3DS XL bundles for Japan (patience for the rest)

If you are a huge Nintendo fan, you know by now that Japan gets all the awesome stuff either exclusively or first.  The whole “headquarters being there” makes a big different, apparently.  Well this is but another example of this.  Three new bundles and designs are coming out for the 3DS XL.  As far as we know now, these are for Japan only.  The bundles below are as follows:

  • Monster Hunter TriG (all black) – November 1st for 21,800 yen / ~$280
  • Animal Crossing (white and pattern) – November 8th for 22,800 yen / ~$290
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2 (black and red) –November 15th for 22,800 yen / ~$290

So if you’re not in Japan or into importing, it’s time to play the waiting and hoping game.  The good news is that you at least get to pick out which one is your favorite until then.  That’s something to do, I guess.

Monster Hunter 3DS XL

New Super Mario Bros. 2 3DS XL

[Engadget via Nintendo]

Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ