New Battlefield 4 PS4 update rolling out today, ‘should’ fix client crashes

DICE has announced that a new game update for the PS4 version of Battlefield 4 is rolling out. "You might need to restart the game to have the update install," the developer warns.

The update contains a number of stability fixes that "should remove a large amount of the client crashes" on PS4. The key word there is "should." Since its release on PS4, Battlefield 4 has seen a number of glitches and bugs, but the most overwhelming response has been game crashes. Although DICE has since released a number of updates, none of them have seemingly fixed the issue completely. Hopefully this is the patch that does.

There's also other gameplay fixes as well, all of which can be seen in the patch notes below:

Dec 11 PS4 Game Update Notes 

  • General stability fixes that should remove a large amount of the client crashes we are currently seeing on the PS4
  • Fixed the audio drop outs that could occur when playing on large maps. Typical map affected was Golmud Railway in Conquest with 64 players. Ambient sound would sometimes cut out, like foley sounds from player running, vehicle engine sounds, vehicle movement sounds, and map ambient sounds 
  • Removed the blur effect on soldiers that appeared when Commanders were using EMP attacks 
  • Further reduced the probability of getting a corrupt save file by doing miscellaneous changes to the save file system. These include removing the save file saving again when quitting multiplayer 
  • Fixed multiple crashes that could occur when bringing up the in-game Battlelog during round transition 
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the BattleScreen
  • Fixed a random crash related to destroying vehicles 
  • Fixed minor destruction issues in the terrain

Let us know if today's update fixes the Battlefield 4 crash issues for you on PS4.