New details on Sigourney Weaver as Defenders villain drop

Meet Alexandra

Marvel fans lost their minds at New York Comic Con last year when Sigourney Weaver was announced as Defenders' big bad. Now, thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we have our first look at her character: Alexandra.

We don't know much about this supposedly original character, but showrunner Marco Ramirez did give us a few adjectives to work with. Basically, Alexandra is going to be an amalgamation of the characters Weaver has played in the past.

“Sigourney is the kind of person you can buy as the smartest person in the room, who you can also buy as a person holding a flamethrower. Her character is a very powerful force in New York City. She’s everything Sigourney is: sophisticated, intellectual, dangerous.”

Personally, I don't buy this original character schtick, much like I never believed the Arkham Knight was original. Marvel has a great track record of subverting comic book characters and making them work for their universe, and I have no doubt "Alexandra" will be the same. We most likely won't know until Defenders drops on Netflix later this year.