By now, you should have heard of the Humble Bundles, but If you haven't, it is a series of games that are offered for a limited time for a donation of your choosing. The last bundles have been available for Mac, Windows and Linux. However, this time around, the Humble Bundle community is offering the newest bundle on another platform, Android.
Simply entitled the Humble Bundle for Android, the bundle includes three games: Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Osmos and EDGE. But the fun doesn't stop there. If you pay more than the average price, you'll receive the pleasure of getting hands on with piles of goo in the popular puzzle game, World of Goo. These four games purchased separately would cost around $60, but as of the time of this writing, the average price being donated for the titles is $5.88.
The charitable bundles have been extremely successful to date. This one looks like it’s on its way to the same success. With 13 days left to purchase the games at your own price, Humble Bundle for Android has already made over $378,000 with almost 65,000 bundles already downloaded.
Humble Bundle for Android is DRM free and is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. Buyers can choose where the money goes as well with the choices being the Child's Play Charity, the developers and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Get your paws on the newest bundle before the promotion ends. HEY, it is for charity! [The Humble Bundle for Android]