New Zelda title already in development?

It is starting to look like Hyrule Historia contains more valuable information about the Zelda franchise than even we could have imagined. As the translations continue to pour in, now it seems as if Eiji Aonuma hints that the newest Zelda is already in development.

From a quote in Hyrule Historia by Eiji Aonuma, he is essentially talking about the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and then hints at he next Zelda title. See for yourself:

“The long sailing time of creating Skyward Sword, a game to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Zelda series, has just come to an end. The voices of those who’ve played it from around the world reach us.  We hear their admiration comments, and their criticism too. All those voices become energy for the next voyage. Well, to tell the truth, we’ve already set sail in a new voyage.”

To be quite honest, it is definitely cryptic, but it does seem to hint at a new Zelda title. Could there be a new 3DS title in the works where Link takes a some kind of voyage? Or is it just a cryptic message hinting at the new Zelda? We don't know. It is all left to speculation and imagination at this point. []