The Left 4 Dead website has been updated with new information on the upcoming DLC “The Sacrifice“, which will be released on Tuesday, Oct. 5.
The update includes new info on Mutations, which Valve says is a Left 4 Dead 2 exclusive. PC and Mac users will get the five new Mutations with “The Sacrifice” DLC. Xbox 360 owners, however, will only get them if they also own “The Passing” DLC.
While Valve is being pretty tight-lipped about the new Mutations, they did offer this little tease:
“We don’t want to give away all 5 of the new Mutations, but we will give you a bit on one. Do you ever play Versus and wish you could be the Tank? Did you ever wish you could be nothing but the Tank? And when you died you spawned as the Tank? And all your friends were Tanks as well? The new Mutation Taaannnk!! is a little like that. And by a little, we mean exactly like that.”