Newegg’s Xbox One bundle throws in Titanfall and Forza 5 for $449

If you are thinking about getting an Xbox One this year, the best piece of advice I can give you is to just wait. Not because it's a bad system, but because retailers are proving that those who show patience will be rewarding with insane deals on Microsoft's newest console. 

First Xbox One got a price cut. Then Microsoft added a free copy of Titanfall with every system. Soon after, retailers were offering their only little discount promo on the Xbox One. Walmart lowered the price of the Titanfall bundle to $449. Target threw in a free year of Xbox LIVE Gold.

Now, online retailer Newegg is doing us one better by throwing in a free copy of Xbox One launch title Forza Motorsport 5. So, for $449 you can now snag yourself an Xbox One, Titanfall, and Forza 5. At launch that would've cost you over $600. 

What's the lesson in all of this? If you can wait, you should probably do so. Who knows what kind of deals we'll see during Black Friday this year.
